How To Catch A Bird In Your House

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By Steven Hal


Having a bird fly into your house can be a panic-inducing experience. The sudden flapping of wings and the bird’s frantic attempts to escape can create chaos and stress for both you and the bird. However, it is important to remain calm and take the necessary steps to catch the bird safely.

How To Catch A Bird In Your House

In this article, we will discuss why it is important to catch the bird, how to assess whether it is injured or healthy, safety tips before catching the bird, the tools you will need, techniques for approaching and catching the bird without hurting it, how to release it outside, prevention methods to keep birds out of your house, and when it is necessary to call a professional.

Why It’s Important to Catch the Bird

A. Damage to your home

When a bird is trapped inside your house, it can cause damage to your property. Birds may fly into windows or knock over objects in their panicked state. They may also leave droppings on furniture or other surfaces, which can be difficult to clean. By catching the bird and releasing it outside, you can prevent further damage to your home.

B. Health risks to you and your family

Birds can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans. Their droppings can contain bacteria and fungi that can cause respiratory problems if inhaled. Additionally, birds may carry mites or ticks that can bite humans and transmit diseases. By catching the bird and removing it from your home, you can reduce the risk of exposure to these health hazards.

Assessing the Situation: Is the Bird Injured or Healthy?

A. Signs of an injured bird

Before attempting to catch a bird, it is important to assess its condition. Look for signs of injury such as limping, drooping wings, or blood on its feathers. An injured bird may also appear weak or disoriented. If you notice any of these signs, it is best to contact a wildlife rehabilitator or animal control for assistance.

B. Signs of a healthy bird

A healthy bird will be alert and active, with bright eyes and clean feathers. It will be able to fly and move freely without any signs of distress. If the bird appears healthy, you can proceed with the steps to catch and release it safely.

Preparing Yourself: Safety Tips Before You Catch the Bird

A. Protecting yourself from bites and scratches

While most birds are not aggressive towards humans, they may bite or scratch if they feel threatened. To protect yourself, wear thick gloves and long sleeves to minimize the risk of injury. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that could startle the bird further.

B. Avoiding stress to the bird

Stress can be harmful to birds, especially if they are already injured or in a weakened state. Minimize stress by keeping the area quiet and dimly lit. Close curtains or blinds to reduce outside distractions. Avoid handling the bird unnecessarily and try to catch it as quickly and gently as possible.

Gathering the Right Tools: What You Need to Catch a Bird

A. Nets and cages

Having a net or cage on hand can make catching a bird much easier. A long-handled net with a fine mesh is ideal for capturing small birds, while a larger cage can be used for larger birds. Make sure the net or cage is clean and free from any sharp edges that could harm the bird.

B. Gloves and towels

Gloves can provide added protection when handling a bird, especially if it is injured or frightened. Choose gloves that are thick enough to prevent bites or scratches but still allow you to have dexterity. Towels can also be used to cover the bird and provide a sense of security during the catching process.

Approaching the Bird: Techniques for Getting Close

A. Moving slowly and calmly

Approach the bird slowly and calmly to avoid startling it further. Make sure your movements are smooth and deliberate. Avoid making direct eye contact with the bird, as this can be perceived as a threat. Instead, keep your gaze soft and avert your eyes slightly.

B. Using a distraction

If the bird is perched in a high or hard-to-reach area, you can try using a distraction to coax it down. Place a small dish of birdseed or water nearby to entice the bird to come closer. You can also try playing soft bird sounds on your phone or using a mirror to catch its attention.

The Catch: How to Grab the Bird Without Hurting It

A. Techniques for catching the bird

When attempting to catch the bird, move slowly and gently. Use the net or cage to carefully trap the bird against a wall or in a corner. Be patient and persistent, as it may take several attempts to successfully catch the bird. Avoid grabbing or squeezing the bird, as this can cause injury.

B. Handling the bird gently

Once you have caught the bird, handle it with care. Hold it firmly but gently, supporting its body and wings to prevent any damage. Avoid touching its feathers unnecessarily, as this can cause stress and may result in feather loss.

Releasing the Bird: Setting It Free Outside

A. Choosing a safe location

When releasing the bird, choose a safe location away from any potential hazards such as busy roads or predators. Ideally, release it in an area with trees or shrubs where it can find shelter and food. Open the cage or gently release the bird from the net, allowing it to fly away on its own.

B. Letting the bird go

Once you have released the bird, watch it for a few moments to ensure that it is able to fly away without any issues. If it appears to be struggling or unable to fly, contact a wildlife rehabilitator for further assistance.

Prevention: How to Keep Birds Out of Your House

A. Sealing entry points

To prevent birds from entering your house in the first place, it is important to seal any potential entry points. Check for gaps or holes in windows, doors, and vents, and repair them as necessary. Install screens on windows and chimney caps to prevent birds from entering.

B. Using deterrents

There are various deterrents available that can help keep birds away from your house. These include reflective tape, scarecrows, and bird spikes. Place these deterrents in areas where birds are likely to land or roost, such as ledges or rooftops.

When to Call a Professional: Situations Where You Need Help

A. Injured birds

If you come across an injured bird that you are unable to catch safely, it is best to contact a wildlife rehabilitator or animal control for assistance. They have the necessary training and equipment to handle injured birds and provide them with the appropriate care.

B. Large or aggressive birds

Some birds, such as raptors or large waterfowl, can be dangerous to handle due to their size and strength. If you encounter a large or aggressive bird that you are unable to catch safely, it is best to call a professional for help.


Catching and releasing a bird safely is important for both the well-being of the bird and the protection of your home. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can minimize stress and harm to the bird while ensuring that your home remains undamaged. Additionally, taking preventative measures such as sealing entry points and using deterrents can help prevent future incidents. Remember to always prioritize the safety of both yourself and the bird when attempting to catch and release it.

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